Consulting & Training
You Deserve A Safe Space To Relax
All your appointments will take place in the privacy of your own home via Telehealth.
Clinical Supervision is one of the cornerstones of the social work profession. It allows new practitioners a safe space to process their practice. I view supervision as an opportunity to provide guidance and mentorship.
If you are interested in the pricing of clinical supervision, please contact me using the form below.
Clinical Supervision
The delivery of mental health care in the United States is shifting. It is taking on a more collaborative and community focus. It is being integrated into primary care settings, schools, and professional sports teams.
Is your organization looking to integrate mental health services into the everyday flow? Are you looking to support your clients or employees? I have extensive experience in providing integrated services in non-traditional settings.
Integrated Behavioral Health
Transition from Pediatric to Adult Healthcare
Promoting Healthy Workplaces
Mental Health in Sports
We are available to train individuals, large and small groups, sports teams, and organizations. We have presented at local and national conferences and smaller community organizations. We strive to create a teaching environment that is safe and welcoming, one that promotes interaction and collaboration. Our goal is to create an environment where individuals feel safe to learn and present their viewpoints while having the respect of others in the room.
Topics include:
Emerging Adulthood and Life Transitions
Transition from Pediatric to Adult Healthcare
Compassion Fatigue & Burnout
Interprofessional Education on Integrated Behavioral Health
Youth Leadership & Empowerment
Impact of Mental Health in Sports
Creating a Workplace Culture of Well-being
We are happy to speak to you about any of the consulting or training needs you or your organization might have. Feel free to contact us about pricing by filling out the form below. We look forward to working with you!
“Connection is why we are here, it gives us purpose and meaning to our lives.”
— Brene` Brown
Other Services
Consulting & Training
Mental Skills in Sports
Ready To Get Started?
Contact me to schedule a complimentary 15-minute consultation to discuss your current needs and how I can help!